Thursday, 28 February 2019

The Television

A wonder invention it was,
A pride and joy of every home.
The roaring 60’s through the 80’s ,
The  humble box of black and whites
To the colour sets of the 90’s,
The T.V had its human on a spree,
Seemed to set them free,
In an indulgence with no regrets
And a  rage of all ages
Shows, Movies and performances live
Sports, News and documentaries were a sight
Life could never be better
The box went and then come  the flat screens
Making way to the  LED curves
The Mobile Phones and Tablets enter
Competing for their human’s attention
Fighting for their contention
The humans devise their own plan
Thus the TV enters the smallest screens
TV was a revolution,
And its internet avatar a sensation,
Still holding their human in its clutches.
Transformed devices and upgraded lives.
Who is the master to whom?
Time would  tell.

An Unwelcome Guest

Friends and neighbors
Are welcome at any time
Colleagues  and subordinates
Are  received  with equal fervour 
Relatives near and dear are always  in favour
So are the enemies kept closer
Tongue wagers get invited too
But  this mystery being  is invisible
Stealthily invites himself to a happy home
His infamous thievery  known 
When a life is no more
The unwelcome guest takes all
Leaving behind a trail
Of  lament and sorrow
The all encompassing guest is known
To the loved ones of the departed kindred spirits
Death takes all and ends all.